We live in delicate financial times….

Emotional security

By Vivienne Jaffer
Lucy Beresford, British Psychotherapist states “we live in delicate financial times, so worries about money are real. But in my field, money also represents emotional supplies, which is why issues around money are also about security and safety.”

Interesting, this concept about money being about security and safety…. It always amazes me how so many people feel they don’t have enough, regardless of how much money they do or don’t have. It ranges from people who clearly struggle to afford the basic necessities like being able to heat their room in winter, or to buy produce at the grocery store, through to people who are mortgaged to multiple properties, run several vehicles or take regular holidays : all believing they lack. On the other side, there are people with the same divergent access to money and therefore commodities as described on both the lesser and greater ends of the scale who are completely content and at peace. This contentment with little is not very common in the Western world where money is almost tantamount to personal worth. Ms Beresford’s reference to money being linked to emotional supply certainly rings true in cases where there is no real lack of money, and yet the feeling of insecurity runs rife.

From my observation many people seem to be plagued by the idea of accruing more than they need now, to repel potential future hardship. That activity itself, of stressing about potential lack, is bound to attract it.

I’ll leave you with two very valid concepts to consider:

1. Give what you lack. (I don’t need to draw pictures here….time, money, love)
2. Whatever you give your attention to – grows. Don’t be stressing about how much your next holiday is going to cost, or how expensive the new car is….don’t go yet, buy a cheaper one. It actually IS that simple. Have a really good look at what you are giving your attention to. Is that what you want to increase? If it’s not – seek out how to have some control over what is filling your mind.